The Generations Movie Review

Castle In The Sky (1986) & Spirited Away (2001)

Kyle Krantz and James & Lori Rollner Season 2 Episode 4

We would expect that most people when they think of animated movies, are thinking of Snow White or The Little Mermaid. However, starting in the 1980s, a whole new generation of filmmakers out of Japan started Studio Ghibli. The product coming from Studio Ghibli started a revolution of sorts in the animated world and its effects are felt throughout the mainstream of cinema today.

Kyle brought today's film suggestions to Jim & Lori, neither of whom had ever seen anime before and we believe that this episode of The GMR will serve as an enjoyable listen for fans as well as  great introduction for others who have not yet been enticed into these cinematic adventures!

Happy listening and thank you for visiting us at The GMR!

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