The Generations Movie Review

Superman (1978) and Man Of Steel (2013)

Kyle Krantz and James & Lori Rollner Season 1 Episode 5

Superhero movies have been the dominant force in Hollywood for 2 decades now! It’s hard to believe. If you’re in your 20’s you’ve probably never known cinema without a superhero movie. But that wasn’t always the case.

Everything has to start somewhere. A movie being the first of it’s kind sets the standards by which all other movies follow. That’s never been more true here. The bones of what any superhero movie is begins with Superman. Today, superhero movies and remakes of originals, offer enhanced special effects, a faster pace, and make the overall subject matter more visually agreeable and relatable to a whole different generation. Perhaps that’s what keep these movies alive!

Join Jim and Kyle as they discuss the classic groundbreaking movie Superman from 1978 and Man of Steel, the remake/reimagining from 2013. Both movies generally telling the same story for different generations.

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